Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Two For Tuesday: Things That Matter

I decided to start a new theme for my blog on Tuesdays! I don't mean to get all sensitive and serious on y'all, but I do an awful lot of material posts....clothing, reality tv, trends, blah blah blah! So on Tuesdays, I've decided to write about two things that really matter, a little food for thought!

I think that often times we get a little carried away in this fast paced world we live in, today's post will be dedicated to things that matter =)

I am happy that I don't already have everything I desire. If I did, what would there be to look forward to?

Nothing happens by chance or by means of good or bad luck. Illness, injury, love, lost moments of true greatness and sheer stupidity all occur to test the limits of your soul. Without these small tests, life would be like a smoothly paved, straight, flat road to nowhere.

Life is all about the journey, and how you got there!

What are 2 things that matter/you can be thankful for/a thought/inspiration of your day?

*Thank you for all the great comments on my last post!!*

You can locate a pint of Ciao Bella Sorbetto in your area by going to this link: http://www.ciaobellagelato.com/search/
do try!

Also, those of you that tried it--what did you all think of ZUMBA?

The Maxi Dresses can be found at:
and others at half the price:

i.love.the.maxi.look :)

Happy Tuesday!!


  1. I love all of the pictures of the maxi dresses!! I can't wait till it's warm enough to wear one every day on the weekend!

    I guess my thought of the day was when I was watching something last night it was on the topic of how we need to be thankful every morning we wake up because nothing in life is guaranteed. It's simple but so easy to forget!!

    I hope you have a wonderful Wednesday tomorrow!!

  2. After my first Zumba class last night, I am officially obsessed! OMG, how fun! And such a great workout too. I love love love it! :)

  3. I have had a few thoughts today. A blog-friend of mine, posted a pic of a bird and her newborns in a nest outside of her house, it made me thankful that God gave me a child, to love and to learn from. You find qualities about yourself that you didnt know you had once you become a mommy.
    I am also really blessed to have my friends, I have talked to a few today, and they are all so dear to me.
    Oh, and thanks for the info on the sorbetto, is it low-cal, or will I really have to work EXTRA hard in Zumba (how cold you not, some ppl have to step outside) after eating a bowl?

  4. I was just snooping around and found your cute site and wanted to say hi!
